Illustration by Ester Dus (@esterdus) Digital natives. A myth or reality? This is a serious issue currently facing the education sector. The central belief is that the new generation has a technological advantage over their teachers. This presumption of a digital divide deem that past generations lack the ability to effectively teach via technology. The myth has at its core a belief that the new generation have developed mental changes to think and process information in different ways than the prior generation (Prensky, M. 2001). Following from this idea is the assumption people from the younger generation are inherently good at using technology, and that the older generation are incapable of assimilating into a digital lifestyle. However, I believe there is no correlation between an individual’s age and their technological ability. The major influence for being able to have a better understanding of technology is an individual’s socioeconomic status. While it may be true that children from higher socioeconomic backgrounds had opportunities and capabilities to grow up with and learn from the newest technologies, the same cannot be assumed for those of lower socioeconomic standing. While I believe that this theory is a myth, some of the older generation may be apprehensive to take up learning and teaching via new technologies for fear of not understanding or being labelled a ‘Boomer’ by their students. While it is true that the new generation grows up with a device in their hands, it is not true the older generation cannot adapt and overcome. “Children knowing more than their parents have been exaggerated … Talk of digital natives obscures children's need for support in developing digital skills” (Livingstone, Haddon, Görzig, & Ólafsson, 2011). Showing that even though the older generation did not grow up with technology, it is not the case that it is not necessary to teach the digital generation how to effectively use technologies, simply because they grew up with them. The literature is almost definitive in agreeing that the digital native is a myth, however this is one of the contentious topics which will continually be discussed. Studies strongly support the belief that digital natives are a myth, where growing up with certain technologies doesn’t necessarily mean that the individual will be capable of using it without further training. “… it appears they [university students] do not recognize the enhanced functionality of the applications they own and use” (Bullen, 2008, p.7), which indicates that Prensky’s original assumption that the ‘digital generation’ are able to effectively use technology without training is incorrect. Further there is no basis to show that the older generation cannot be as/or more capable than the so-called homo zappiens (Veen, 2007). As a future educator I will need to ensure that I stay up to date with current technological trends to ensure that I am able to continue to be able to actively engage my future students (Au-Yong-Oliveira, M. et al. 2018). This includes embedding technology in learning to develop student’s digital skills and aim to close the gap of digital divide. References Au-Yong-Oliveira, M., Gonçalves, R., Martins, J., & Branco, F. (2018). The social impact of technology on millennials and consequences for higher education and leadership. Telematics and Informatics, 35(4), 954-963. Kirschner, P. A., & De Bruyckere, P. (2017). The myths of the digital native and the multitasker. Teaching and Teacher Education, 67, 135-142. Livingstone, S., Haddon, L., Görzig, A., & Ólafsson, K. (2014). EU kids online II: A large-scale quantitative approach to the study of European children's use of the internet and online risks and safety. Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants Part 1. On the Horizon, 9(5), 1-6. Veen, W., & Van Staalduinen, J. (2009). The homo Zappiens and its consequences for learning in universities. Changing Cultures in Higher Education, 323-337.
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AuthorHello! I am Alexander, a current pre-service teacher studying Secondary Education at the Australian Catholic University, Canberra Campus. The purpose of this blog is to act as a reflective journal where I will aim to document my progression throughout my secondary education degree. Within this site I will upload various blogposts correlating with my current university work, with the future aim to use this site as an outlet for my professional learning. All the work contained within is my own, except were appropriately referenced. ArchivesCategories |